
How to file a complaint? 

Means of Complaint

Report any non-compliance with the Standards of Conduct through marhnos® reporting channels:

  1. Ethics Line: This is a toll-free telephone line. Dial 1 888 876 7548 from anywhere in Texas.
  2. EnlaceÉtico marhnos®: This is a technological platform that can be accessed through our intranet Conexiónmarhnos®, or directly at from any computer in Texas.
  3. Instant Messaging (Whatsapp): This medium will serve as a tool to send information in the form of text, images, videos and audio recordings from Texas.


It is everyone's responsibility to live our principles of action and help to preserve them, which is why it is important to report, through institutional channels, any non-compliance that could jeopardize the good name of marhnos®.

However, before making any type of complaint, take into account the following considerations:

Consult your Culture and Conduct Manual or Internal Work Rules.

  • Identify what rationale, principle of action and/or standard of conduct is being violated.

Reason before acting

  • Remember that two very important values are integrity and honesty, so the allegations must be objective and substantiated, providing sufficient evidence to prove the alleged violation. Be aware that involving the prestige of an innocent collaborator, manager, supplier or partner, or not reporting any type of violation in a timely manner, makes you jointly responsible.

Proceed with confidence

  • Make your complaint with confidence through the institutional means (mentioned above) and provide elements of time, manner and place, as well as evidence or details about the facts.
  • The relevant investigations will be carried out under the strictest confidentiality measures in order to respond to each one of them.

Follow up

When you make a report through any of our means of reporting, you will be provided with a tracking code, which will be used to perform the following actions:

  • Know the status of the investigation.
  • Provide additional information.
  • Know the conclusion and corrective measures.

Types of Sanctions

Violations to the Business Principles, to the Culture and Conduct Manual, to the Law or to the Internal Work Regulations, will be qualified and sanctioned according to their seriousness, through any of the following measures:

  1. Verbal Warning: This is the disciplinary measure imposed by means of a verbal warning through the Director of the corresponding Area and Human Development.
  2. Administrative Record: This is the disciplinary measure imposed on employees through the Director of the corresponding Area and Human Development, in which the causes that gave rise to the sanction are recorded in writing and the corrective measures are stipulated, urging the employee to modify his or her behavior. The employee must sign in agreement and the record is filed in the employee's work file.
  3. Termination of contract: In the event that the breach of the Internal Regulations, the Culture and Conduct Manual, the Law, the Labor Contract or the Policies is considered serious, the respective individual contract will be terminated, regardless of whether the employee may be subject to civil, criminal, administrative or any other type of sanction.